eField Exploration Completes An Airborne EMT Oil & Gas Survey Over The Palo Duro Basin For Columbus Resources

Motley County, TX - eField Exploration announced that it has completed the data acquisition phase of a High Resolution Electromagnetic Airborne EMT oil & gas Survey over the Texas Palo Duro Basin, in Motley County for Columbus Resources, LP. eField has an agreement with Columbus to conduct the survey using their proprietary Airborne Electro-Magnetotelluric System over their Columbus holdings. eField will receive a survey fee plus a Gross Overriding Royalty Interest ("GORR") on the production from lands within the licensee prospect areas.
eField is also announcing that additional Palo Duro survey results will be available to license from adjacent areas in Motley County and Floyd County, and surrounding areas.
eField's EMT system:
eField's EMT System is "Electro-Magnetotelluric" technology which is mounted on an airborne platform and makes use of advances in computer analysis and systems. The maps and colorful GIS graphics that result provide pictures of geophysical structures deeper than commonly used technologies at much lower expense. The eField system detects the presence of hydrocarbons by reading patterns associated with natural electric currents known scientifically as Telluric currents which are induced by solar flares and lightning and penetrate deep to the earth's core. Charge effects occur at the interface of water and dissolved hydrocarbons - an effect called NFIP (Natural Field Induced Polarization) identifying oil and gas anomalies from surface to depths of 20,000 feet or more. The accumulation of these charges and their migration to the surface (seep columns) is mapped by the eField Airborne EMT System. Computer analysis using the Oasis Montaj platform is used to compute Apparent Resistivity and Natural Field Induced Polarization.
The eField system is different than technologies that rely on spectral imaging, gravity or magnetic measurements. These and other indirect measurement systems like seismic geophysical technology, require time consuming interpretation leading to many anomalies or targets that do not contain oil.
Mr. Ed Johnson, eField's president, explained that the new development is a "direct detection" technology. "Every mineral has its own characteristics and gives special numerical readings," he said. Mr. Johnson believes this technology has potential to significantly reduce costs and lead-time to new discoveries. Mr. Johnson stated "Our Airborne EMT System will provide significant benefit and a strategic advantage for any resource company."
The Palo Duro Basin Gas Project:
The Palo Duro Basin Lower Penn Gas Shale Development Project is located approximately 70 miles Northeast of Lubbock, Texas and covers approximately 1,150,000 acres. The recent project performed by eField is located in the east central portion of the Palo Duro Basin. The complex regional structure and depositional facies of the Bend Group combine to create compartmentalized reservoirs. In addition to the traditional gas reservoirs, this area contains thick fractured Lower Penn Shales that serve as both gas source rock and reservoir rock. Together, the basin, source rocks, maturation history, migration, trapping mechanisms, and reservoir rocks define a discrete hydrocarbon system.
SOURCE: eField Exploration, LLC