Drilling oil and gas wells through porous shale, sand and salt formations can present complex issues.Drilling fluids are the life blood of any drilling operation. DrillWall™ is the dependable product relied upon by many top oil companies and their drillers. Drilling fluid is an important component in the drilling process. A fluid is required in the wellbore to: Cool and lubricate the drill bit; Remove the rock fragments, or drill cuttings, from the drilling area and transport them to the surface; to counterbalance formation pressure to prevent formation fluids (such as oil, gas, and water) from entering the well prematurely (which can lead to a blowout)and also to prevent the open (uncased) wellbore from caving in. Our DrillWall™ products are compatible with water based drilling fluids, oil based drilling fluids and with synthetic based drilling fluids. The DrillWall™ product builds a filter barrier on the wellbore walls that keep the fluids from escaping the wellbore into the pores and the cracks in the sand, salt and shale formations. Oil drilling fluids are formulated with clays, emulsifiers, stability agents, weighting agents, and other additives. DrillWall™ can benefit any mud formula. Drilling muds typically have a number of additives.
Below is a list of some of the types of drilling fluid additives:
- Weighting material is usually barite (barium sulfate), which is used to increase the density and viscosity of the mud in order to apply pressure between the wellbore and formation. Hematite (Fe2O3 ) sometimes is used as a weighting agent in oil based fluids.
- Corrosion inhibitors such as iron oxide, aluminum bisulfate, zinc carbonate, and zinc chromate to protect pipes and metallic components.
- Dispersants, including iron lignosulfonates, break up solid clusters into small particles so they can be carried by the fluid.
- Flocculants, primarily acrylic polymers, cause suspended particles to group together so they can be removed from the fluid at the surface.
- Emulsifers and Surfactants, like fatty acids and soaps, used to defoam and emulsify the mud.
- Biocides, typically organic amines, chlorophenols, or formaldehydes, kill bacteria and help reduce the souring of drilling mud.
- Fluid loss reducers can be organic or inorganic minerals. The fluid loss reducer, DrillWall™, is organic plant material that is manufactured from a plant called kenaf. Fluid loss reducers can also include polymers mixed with the DrillWall™ that aid in limiting the loss of drilling mud when high-permeability shale, sand or salt formations are encountered.
In drilling through a highly porous or fractured formation layers, the pressure caused by the vertical column of drilling mud can easily exceed the ability of the surrounding material in the formation to support this amount of pressure. The drilling mud is lost by seepage from the returning column of mud in the wellbore out and into the formation. This loss can be any amount up to a total loss of circulating drilling fluid volume. Even with the best drilling practices, circulation losses can and will occur, but the secret of good profitable and safe drilling is to keep circulation loss to a minimum. Loss formations can be encountered at any depth and can occur in formations that do not normally have loss zones. Every meter of drilling requires preparation and precaution.
DrillWall™ has an advantage of mixing faster with all drilling fluids better than any competitive product. Kenaf core is proven to be the most absorptive natural material on earth. Since most additives are introduced into the drilling fluid as a powder. The primary disadvantage of many other competitive materials is that they are very light and not as absorptive causing them to mix slowly with the highly viscous drilling mud. Since DrillWall™ is made from the most absorbent natural material on earth as determined in testing by the US Navy, it mixes fast. In drilling operations, speedy incorporation of the fluid additives into the mud affects the profitability as well as the safety of the operation. With DrillWall™ even heavy synthetic drilling fluids it quickly mixes and better that any competitive product.
The size of DrillWall™ fine particles is 34% 270 mesh or below. Most mud formulas start or operate normally at around 3-5% by mud volume and then more may be added to replenish that which is consumed in the wellbore. DrillWall™ operating temperature is from -10 C. to 300 degrees C. The product is 100% natural cellulosic organic material from the kenaf plant. The material is non-toxic and is biodegradable. Custom particle sizing can be accomplished by working with our customers to meet specific formulas. Attesting to the BioTech Mills commitment is the fact that we have over 20,000,000 pounds of raw material to supply your needs.
We invite you to visit our Snow Hill, North Carolina manufacturing facility and we will be glad to show you our inventory, our manufacturing equipment and meet our skilled management team.