
SIL3 Modicon Quantum Safety PLC

The manufacturing, processing, handling and storage of volatile, combustible chemicals and materials require that SIL-rated systems and controls function consistently at certifiable Safety Integrity Levels (SIL).

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Manual-Handbook: Quantum Safety PLC Safety Reference Manual

The manufacturing, processing, handling and storage of volatile, combustible chemicals and materials require that SIL-rated systems and controls function consistently at certifiable Safety Integrity Levels (SIL). Designed around the proven technology of the Quantum family of PLCs, the SIL3 Quantum PLC is programmed using the robust, reliable software platform, Unity Pro XLS. This allows Industrial Modicon PLCs to be programmed with one software package. Understanding of hardware and application software ports to the SIL3-rated Modicon Quantum Safety PLC resulting in reduced training requirements and simplified diagnostics and maintenance.

What you need to know

  • Hot Standby - The SIL3 Quantum PLC can be utilized to provide the same advanced high availability performance that is already provided by the standard Modicon Quantum PLC.
  • Redundant I/O - High availability for I/O is possible because redundant safety I/O is supported by both the hardware and the Unity Pro XLS programming software.
  • Diagnostics - The SIL3 Quantum PLC provides advanced diagnostics for the CPUs and safety I/O modules to help ensure system reliability.
  • Flexibility - The SIL3 Quantum PLC is designed with safety modules, yet also supports TÜV Certified non-interfering modules, allowing the user to control the safety application, as well as related non-safety functions.


  • Boiler Protection
  • Chemical
  • Fire Detection & Alarm
  • Gas Burner Control Systems
  • Infrastructure
  • Mining and Mineral
  • Oil & Gas
  • Petrochemical

Click Here To Download:
Manual-Handbook: Quantum Safety PLC Safety Reference Manual