TiPSS™ - Tilted Plate Separator System For Oil/Water Separation
TiPSS™ uses gravity separation to produce high-quality effluent separating oil from wastewater. Gravity separation is the most straightforward method of effluent treatment and is, therefore, utilized widely in industry for the separation of settling and/or flotable impurities from a carrier liquid.
TiPSS™ uses gravity separation to produce high-quality effluent separating oil from wastewater. Gravity separation is the most straightforward method of effluent treatment and is, therefore, utilized widely in industry for the separation of settling and/or flotable impurities from a carrier liquid. TiPSS™ is characterized by its reliability, simplicity, minimal maintenance and operating costs along with its flexibility.
TiPSS™ uses plate sets in order to increase the separation surface. Separation of contaminants (oil, gas, solids or combinations of these) is based on, for example, particle size and density differences between various media. Capacity ranges from 1 - > 16 000 m3/h, based on modular structure of units.
- No moving parts
- High-separation efficiency
- Compact construction gives great economy in space and foot print
- Low installation costs on site since units can be prefabricated for low onsite instillation costs
- Minimum maintenance and operation costs
- Uniformity in design guarantees quick delivery of unit and spares
- Short hydraulic retention time
- Continuous operation
- Linsensitive to weather conditions and variations in capacity, temperature and water characteristics
- Resistance to shock and slug loads